Accidental Poet

What I’d Like to Know


On safari

In a far off land

A beauty there

You’ll never understand


You’re a sportsman

A hunter in the wild

Your sights on target

Pull the trigger with a smile


Now a Lioness

With fatherless cubs

But you’re satisfied

As the ground senses a thud


The trophy on your wall

A fierce Lion’s head

May it haunt you at night

As you lay in bed


A nightmare of giant paws

Slashing through your flesh

Vengeful teeth upon your throat

Guilt of your own request


And who hears your cries for help

As the hunter becomes the prey

Does God hear you when

For his mercy you pray


Is the wild kingdom

Now a better place

And does the loss of one Lion

Show upon your face


One question of you Walter Palmer

What I’d like to know

Is who gave you the right

To cause innocent blood to flow


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2015