Lost, cold, alone, dark, numb, blank, hollow, still, fighting, thrown, bruised, buried, yellow, green, blue, purple, black. Swarming bees, swirling colors of light, translucent, undulating waves of emotion. Wind whistling, crying for help, far away a fog horn answers, a shriek of a gull, hush. Lights flickering in and out, stars disappearing under layers of mist rolling in, fathoming any secrets buried in the sand. Waves roaring, battling, thrown off sink as they drown among each other. The moon’s silvery sliver, a crescent of hope diminishing, lost between the stars. Once the moon reigned the sea, a calm reflection, a glimmer yearning for sweet dreams. Now the sea reigns itself, looking through a clouded telescope, searching for a captain, no breakers, no rays, just dampened grays of dawn, waiting, waiting, waiting, for someone to submerge, to draw a breath, to break the silence.