Adam Shirley

The Violet-Backed Starling

She walked while carrying a bucket of blue

She threw it on those she didn\'t even knew

Because she was alone in a world full of yellow

And the only blue girl, was a lonely fellow

Except for this boy who was the color red

But the blue girl rather ignored him instead

And went on to go find her someone blue

But the red boy persisted, because he knew that he too

Was a lonely lad, with a blue heart inside

But the blue girl desired to be a blue boy\'s bride

But by the time the blue girl lusted for red

Red had found himself lying on his death bed

For his blue heart was cold, futile, and broken.

And the blue girl ran to him, for she had words to be spoken.

But by the time she got there the red boy was dead.

Leaving his corpse, that was vibrantly red.

She gave him one last kiss, as a symbol of her love

And found her body transform so gracefully like a dove.

She no longer cared she was the only different girl

For the world was her oyster, and she was the pearl

She no longer cared about being a blue boy\'s bride

For the love she had for the red boy was to be forever inside

Of her blue red body, a mesmerizing darling

And she was free, and was called the Violet-Backed starling.