
Just an Organ?

Is the heart the center or is it the edge it can be used to pull us together or drive a wedge 

Could the soul reside inside the heart we kill for it we die for it it tears us apart 

You give yours to a lover and they don\'t give it back for the rest of your life you ask what did I lack 

You wear it on your sleeve just to have it Torn Free for years I haven\'t loved you but \"It\'s not you it\'s me\"

When it\'s broken you feel you can never be fixed do you cut the wrist do you take the pills life and death become mixed 

When you\'re not looking Love Will Find you but will you find it back run every day to look and feel better *WHAM*!!! A heart attack 

No the heart is a metaphor for all things deemed good the place where we truly know if we shouldn\'t or should 

So love it and cherish it but give it freely when you can but above all love yourself and try to love your fellow man