
the biggest tragedy that ever happened in brockport

9/16/17 2:27 AM

\"Let My People Go\" -Darondo, 2005


Losing my mind on busted stone stoops,

I see visions of canal waters and beleaguered drunkards stuck in crystalline loops.

Cursed with noise from siren and bugs

This town that never settles keeps you jumping through hoops.


The biggest tragedy that ever happened in brockport

was a small garbage fire

some refuse rejected the town

and went up in flames

that beat to hell shed took the brunt of the heat

the nicer decrepit building next to it lost some insulation

Now the landlord\'s shit is exposed to the wind

rain and dust


this fire was started anonymously

by some higher power

or electrical mishap

either are as meaningful


The saddest part is the cats

those two skulking sentinels that used to roam

this lurid lot

the bonfire of trash displaced the happy couple from their home

and now we are left unguarded


the lot seems dead

a ghost reef of automobiles and potholes

left stagnant in downtown waters

it makes the smoke sterile

 the nicotine bitter air and sticky september afterthoughts


I think the cats live in a vegetable garden now

they got out