Wind Across The Shore

You never let me see you cry
If you did I\'d feel so bleak
Because when you get to hurting 
It brings me to my knees
I just want to be there for you
I don\'t care about anyone\'s perspective
When I hear someone call you out
I tend to get defensive
Only because I love you
More than you\'ll ever possibly know
I just hope your not holding on
Because its easier than letting go
I would take a bullet for you right now
But anyone can take their own life
With you I see it so differently
For you can\'t live if you\'re not alive
I wish I could hear your voice
Right now its all I know
That\'s my lifeline with you
Until you get to come home
Everyday is so fuckin hard 
When your loved one is ripped away
So many tears were shed
So many prayers were prayed
I long for the day of your release 
Constantly around my phone
Its almost like a steady tease
One that never ends 
Mind never at ease
I\'m struggling again
Because I can\'t have your presence 
Which I so anxiously need
But I know you need me more
So I live in silence
Like wind across the shore..