
Wisdom Ways

Tune: The Supreme Sacrifice

(\'O valiant hearts\')

Psalm 90 part


LORD, you have been, yes, you our dwelling place

In all generations, and every race

Before the mountains were brought forth and ere

The earth and the world were formed, you were there


From everlasting to everlasting

You are God, and unto you shall we sing

You were, you are, and still are yet to be

Reigning to and from all eternity


A thousand years in your sight, brief and small

They are but as yesterday, you them call

Each day and night into being, ordained

All appointed by you, your hand unfeigned


And as a watch past in the night, \'tis so

Passing of many years, yet each you know

Ours days average seventy full years

Or if by strength, eighty or more appears


So teach us our days here to number fine

For you have planned out each human life line

And so may we our hearts here thus apply

Unto wisdom, living for you, us nigh