Every chance ive been given ive ridden to the ground
Every glance thats forbidden ive hidden and stayed round
All the goals that uphold my morals, ive traded for smaller forums
And every love put above the subject always objects to my decorum
See ive tried and ive failed, whispered and wailed only to sail my ship back to start
And now my heart isnt cold or hard its numb enough to pardon the afflictions against the life ive torn apart
I must look ahead but instead i cower and what towers over me is my own hypocrisy
Cause i say one thing and sing a different tune and my doom are the ruins layed atop of me
Life is a gift , a rift in the timeline of your and only your desire to win or start again
To sin is but human , to love is divine but the way you spend your time measures prudence.
Listen well, take heed
Learn to love, reject greed
Heavens close, its at your door
If you fall, best fall forward.