
Reach Past

Time was waiting for them, they knew

Searching for knowledge, a priceless value

Throughout their journey, that time was spent

Forgotten how it came and how it went


One moment, speaking out in the streets

Shedding light upon all the lies and deceit

Next second, a bullet flashes faster than their words

Beneath this darkened sky, a pack of fallen birds


There was one who refused to wait for time

Saw past the hollow truths and witnessed the true crimes

Leaping into a world of words, all spiraling in their reach

Crashing through every wall, learning till they could teach


A spark flashed

That soul thrashed

A fire began

Problems found that can’t be outran


Blood flows, wars held at a standstill

Money stacks, bodies laid out, price per kill


With horror, they watched as the stars now begin to flicker out

Hope glowing brighter than all the fallen light, refusing to give in to the doubt

Stained past, a record of their mistakes and plights along the way

No yesterday to hold them back from tomorrow, they’ve lost everything but their way


They didn’t hold their silence, screaming out into the rain

Walking on in it, knowing that the sun won’t faze the pain

This was their only chance and final shot

Reaching fast, it’s all they got

For time waits for no man

Won’t stop until they’ve done all they can