
Flat Tyres.

Alarm clock softly rings.

An early bird chirpily sings.

I open my sleepy eyes.

Beside me my lover lies.

Outside the sun does shine.

On worms the early bird does dine.

I wash and slowly dress

Put on a t shirt and jeans, I don\'t dress to impress.

The cat just arrived home.

At night he does freely roam.

Upstairs my lover does snore.

I exit through the front door.

Outside the weather hot.

Approach my car and see two tyres are flat.

I swear and stamp my feet.

Early risers look at me as they walk by in the street.

I blush and say hello.

I am now feeling calm and mellow.

Back through the front door I go.

And back into bed with my now awake lover flo.