Patricia Ryan

Acid Tears

Acid Tears


Acid tears rolling down your cheek,

Leaving behind a stream; a lifeless streak.

You’re drowning now like a flooding rain,

It burns your skin but you love the pain.

You wipe them away like sun after a storm,

But there\'s no sunshine to keep you warm.


Acid tears but now you’re aware,

You knew it was coming; you were prepared.

Brace yourself for the storm; you’ll make it through,

You’ve done it before; i believe in you.

Some hit you at times and yes, it does hurt,

You’re stronger now but still stay alert.


Acid tears no longer exist,

You don’t feel them anymore; they won’t be missed.

Every now and then the storm will appear,

And down your cheek you’ll feel the tear.

Don’t give up now, the storm will pass,

And you’ll finally see the rainbow at last.