Fay Slimm.





Dawn\'s light today uncurtained Autumn
as more than just berry-laden.
Hedgerows, tho\' treasure-festooned saw
an overnight transformation.

Thinnest of jewel-plates, silver-lace doilies
dithered in lofty profusion.
From twig to overhung leaves like tin-foil
they glittered, fast held by dew.

Pearl-strung, breath-taking mats of finely
strong wire-webbed engineering.
Criss-crossed gossamers so craftily timed
by arachnid\'s masterful feat.

Dangling traps, sun-caught and floating
in cunning anticipation.
Firm-as-steel structures, sticky coated
each unique woven creation.

Spidery expert-precision took diamanté
last night and oozed distraction.
Death-designed nets of intricate lattice
a visitor\'s wings quickly wraps.

Shimmering dazzle captures those who
attract eye\'s wait with futile gyrations.
Few escape guiles of predator- allure
as hunger\'s action flies cannot estimate.

Savage the end of enmeshed movement
by unwise entry to artful webbed beauty.