Adrianna Kjeld


Your tongue was like a razor, 
as I sliced into my skin. 
I looked into your eyes,
and thought of  you as kin. 

You left me bruised and broken
my heart could not repair,
life was suppose to be fruitful, 
not full of that despair. 

I took a step behind you,
because you were too protect,
but little did I know 
that I was just your pet. 

You told me that you loved me,
You told me that you cared,
but when I needed you most 
You were never there. 

That\'s all fine and dandy.
We eventually broke it off.
I should have known before a year
you weren\'t the cream of the crop.

Anyways...many years have past now, 
and this I can\'t believe 
I\'ve met an  adorable young man
who wears his heart upon his sleeve. 
Who has told me in such few words, 
\'I hope you never leave\' 

This is an amazing opportunity
and I know I haven\'t missed it, 
cause when holds me near
he also gives me kisses.

He realizes I have bad days, 
one\'s he can\'t dismiss, 
but still he holds me close 
or tells me I am missed. 

I wish to say, \"I love you\" 
but it hasn\'t quite come out. 

Time passes so slowly in his beloved company. 

My scars have long been healed. 
Those things since have faded,
but when he looks into my eyes 
I think he knows they\'re shaded. 

He shares the cheesy couple posts and loves to hold me near so I hope he loves me truly, because in my heart I hold him dear.