
Hill of Life.

I came into this world and looked up,

Looked up at the Hill of Life before me,

I crawled towards it as I began the ascent.

The shallow foot hills were full of fun,

Just playing with friends,

Parents to protect me.

As age progressed the hill got steeper,

And I had problems to solve.

I solved them all,

Solved them until the hill rose up.

I climbed steadily until I reached a plain,

A plain where the love of my life was found.

Together we traversed the flat ground.

Crossing each hillock together,

Walking together into old age.

Suddenly a mountain stood before me

And I had to help my loved one

To reach the footholds,

That she could not find herself.


As we travelled on the clouds descended,

And darkened our way,

A storm approached us,

But we fought it and battled upwards.

We came out into the light

And travelled upwards towards it.

I looked up as we neared the top.

I saw the top and our reward

Saw the steps,

The steps on the top of My Hill of Life

That would take us,

Take us from this world

Into our eternal lives together.