A fruit, a tree, a balloon, a seed
Staring just to see what it means
Curious eyes on innocent thighs cause quite the commotion
The luscious fruit, plucked premature
A daring hand couldn\'t help the tempting cure
A cure for the lonely, the hate, and the call
Yet no one knew it was only as quick as the fall
No, it wasn\'t really a cure at all
A tenacious tree growing strong and lean
Free from all of the pain that made the world mean
The strength only lasts as long as no one has an axe
All of the nerves screaming to breathe, to relax
But no selfish creature can resist such snacks
A balloon filled with air big and tight
Such colors shine illuminatingly bright
Floating in the air, completely clear
Until it becomes choked out by the atmosphere
Slowly these memories become more severe
A seed planted blindly among the rocks and the thorns
Never able to produce as it slowly gets torn
Starving for nutrients to mend the scars
Forever dying beneath all the stars
Like a trapped corpse within the glass jars
Carnivorous tries make them realize their lack of devotion