Insouciant Rebellions 10/11/17
What the Sky Sacrificed
The blue, almost transparent sky.
The grass, so different, with its green silkiness
Its rigid lines
Can they touch?
Would they dare?
Could the sky use its fluffy cloud-like hands
And reach out to the stern grass
Touch the greenness of the grass
The bugs eating at it
Eating away
And could the grass touch the sky?
Can it grow so high?
Reaching its maximum size
Reaching out to the wonderful sky
With its bipolar attitude
And difficult emotions
Blue one day
And pale the next
Happily, orange another
And angry red forever
Joined by the moon
And sun
They see
They are the eyes
And the eyes are they
And if the grass
Touched the sky
He risks so much
For they sacrifice their lives
Mere humans survive
But love holds, eternally
Unless a price is paid
Can they touch?
Would they dare?