

The world is falling apart

Littered with death and broken hearts

As the floods begin to rise

Which of us shall answer their cries?


Suffering brought upon by our own impudence

Is this increasing heat also melting away our conscience?

This problem was created by those few

The fools who dare to believe this world is made in their view

With giant iron arsenals, rolling on past me and you

Releasing a gray smoke, building a path for this nightmare to come true


Foregone precious peace, for this weary weight of war

Fighting for so long, they’ve forgotten what they’re fighting for

Blood marking the paths of “freedom” and “liberty”

Are those in chains, those who can be called free?


We may be amongst them, after all, we are caged in our minds

Lost all the questions, never searching for the answers we need to find

As time marches on, doom quaking at its wake

Ready to pick up the pieces of hope it will break


I dare you to challenge the impossible

I dare you knowing things are implausible

To dare to even try is to dare for a tomorrow

Daring to do away with lies and sorrow


A dare for tomorrow, low odds but high stakes

A chance for a future, something we must take