
The Key To Peace  


World peace is achievable

When all its denizens possess:

The art of persuasion...

The ability to be compatible

Tranquility when there’s a battle

Civility when one is rattled

Docility when you’ve been tattled (on)

Agility when you’re in the saddle

Humility when you’re mistaken

Mobility when there’s a break in

Stability when you are shaken

Flexibility to be unshaken

Tranquility when you’re awakened

Your utility in every situation

Nobility in every action

Sensibility in your reactions

Affability in the midst of trials

Tactility without getting riled

Facility in forgiving

Sociability when you are living

Versatility in all maneuvers

Capability in all endeavors

Tranquility when there’s contention

Viability and gentility (not to mention)

Peace is when we all unite

When we cease to fight,

Decrease in strife

And leash the knife

Shall we ever see peace in this world?

If not here, in the afterlife!


--c aaron