Isabel Chelisia Villa


Remind me again, of where I came from. Not from money, not from fame, nor greed.

Show me who my parents are.

One too high to care for her own children.

the other?

Well apparently, he is perfectly fine with knowing his oldest daughter is in a foster care placement.

Knowing she cries almost every night. Hoping and Praying, that he would care for her. But no, he would 

rather \"love\" someone who has torn his family limb from limb, with lies, hate, manipulation, and her chemically altered mind. 

How much pain can one person endure? 

Till that person wants and wishes to be six feet below the ground?

Till that young girlis so confused about who she is, that everyday there is a constant storm brewing in her brain....but now she is 17 she uses the storm as her weapon of war.