
Life of a \"Successful\" College Girl

Stay busy, it’s easy.

Wake up and go:

Free time only to add sugar to your coffee,

You deserve a treat.

Just don’t look at those calories in the mirror,

Look at the Kardashians on Snapchat instead --

That’s better than thinking about your thighs grinding

As you speed walk to whatever’s next.


Sit in class fidgeting to stay awake

A good student pays attention, a good student needs A’s

But this student thinks about the next class’s assignment;

Better than your mind wondering to something else…


Sit with friends after class; talk

Then regret your decision and worry you have slacked.

Good students don’t slack.

But you’ve skipped lunch now, so maybe your thighs will shrink --

There’s a positive.


Get your third coffee before work;

Regret the calories in that skim milk.

You don’t need that.

Those girls with 500 likes don’t have your belly.


Consider why you aren’t excited about work... no, stop.

The pay is good; this is what good students do.

Worry about if this isn’t the path meant for you… no, stop.

Pull out Facebook to mindlessly scroll until that inclination has passed;

You don’t have time to deal with that.


Drive home thinking about your future:

It looks promising, you’re doing the right things;

You’re happy.

Unless you’re not.

What if you’re missing something key to unlocking what expected from you...


Turn on the radio.

Sing badly to drown the constant, nagging voice saying

“Don’t be a disappointment”.


It’s late, but don’t go to bed.

Do your homework and think about the trash you ate for dinner.

Take a shower, but only after analyzing every part

Of your body that you feel inflating every day.


Get in bed and on your phone.

No one’s texting you, but scroll through the social media

You’ve seen 10 times already.

Old news is better than your new thoughts.



Pray for guidance and for forgiveness.

You don’t want to be a disappointment.

But you don’t know what you want to be…




You don’t have time for those feelings; you need to be up in 6 hours.

Avoid them.

Remember: it’s easy; stay busy.

Go to sleep.

Wake up and go with enough time to add less sugar to your coffee.