Poetic Dan

Days like this


The blues, where the weaknesses starts
Trying so hard not to fall apart


The come down, what\'s the point in all this? Rage starts with a wanting to be released! not even pausing to take anything in.


It\'s a blur, stuck in the middle of gigantic black hole. For some reason there is comfort, but it\'s not where you belong!


The blues look so far away, there is some warmth in a brighter day.


Then end of the cycle is near, letting go of the day so night moon will appear


I\'m lost in the hugs of love, feeling of oneness lifting me up. Wishing theses moments never to stop.


Not even sure who I am! Elusiveness of emotions just floating around. Lost in time and space, unable to find grounding; nothing to hold on. 

Let\'s hope the next week is a better one!