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Summer Job

Summer Job


There were watermelons everywhere

And we worked hard with great care

Picking them from their vines

As they grew all intertwined


The bull nettles also grew

And were a hazard we all knew

With little needles reaching out

To prick our legs as we worked about


There was a farmer’s tractor too

That we drove all afternoon

The diesel engine with its sound

As it pulled a trailer ‘round


We picked melons many days

And stacked them on a little hay

Ready for the roadside stand

Where my friends would lend a hand


We stopped working every day

And sliced a melon that we ate

It was a sweet and juicy treat

That we used to beat the heat


The melons were ripe and always shined

And were ready in the nick of time

For the hamburger celebrations

And many other eating occasions  


When the day was finally done

There was a pay check earned by everyone

With the satisfaction we all felt

Having worked a job and performed there well