
Fine line

It\'s like the worst day ever
then coming home to a glass of wine
a comfy bed
And listening to your favourite song,
It sends signals through your mind and body.
\"Everything is going to be alright now\'\'.

The war you fight everyday is over and you\'ve finally found peace.
Through this one person.
Who is you saviour, your hero, your god.
The perfect angel that guards and shelters you from the cold world outside.

But there\'s a fine line between angels and devils
Sometimes your most loyal ally
can quickly become your worst enemy
By the time your blindness recedes
You open your eyes it\'s far too late.

Then the rage beings to take effect
It lies dormant like the volcano
no one ever thinks will erupt
It slowly destroys you from the inside out
Then it explodes
Killing everything you once had

Bridges are burnt