Accidental Poet

Only a Heartbeat Away


When my number’s up

And it’s my time to go

It’s all in God’s plan

This much I know


I’ve lived my life

Surviving day by day

Taking the good with the bad

And here I am today


I’ve taken some mighty blows

Always knocking me down

But I always get back up

Fighting off the frown


But in my life

I’ve laughed and smiled

Many a cherished memory

Within my heart I’ve filed


For life is full

Of pleasure and pain

Life’s not always sunny blue skies

Yes, there will be some rain


And yet

Still I look to tomorrow

Life’s too short

To be lost in sorrow


I’ve lost some loved ones

Crossed over to the other side

Someday I’ll be there too

At the end of my Earthly ride


Until then

That of my fateful day

I know Heaven is always

Only a heartbeat away


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2015