
Appointed Anointings

Tune: Laus Deo (Barnby)

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Isaiah 61 v.1-3


Spirit of the Lord God upon

Christ the Son, the holy one

Because the LORD has anointed

Him, He all our hearts has read


Anointed to preach good tidings

To the meek, He blessings brings

Sent to bind up broken-hearted

Healing grace [to] them imparted


Proclaims liberty to captives

Life and freedom them He gives

Opening of prison to those

That are bound, He each one knows


Proclaiming acceptable year

Of the LORD with lowly fear

Day of vengeance to enemies

He looks on them, their deeds sees


To comfort all them that do mourn

Strength, solace, to all forlorn

Appointing beauty for ashes

Fulfilling their deep wishes


To give them the oil of joy for

Their mourning, it shall lift sure

Garment of praise if they heavy

Such spirits shall dispelled be


That they might be called the trees strong

Of righteousness, raising song

To Him the LORD, He them planted

They glorify Him, their Head


They be named the Priests of the LORD

In accordance with His word

And Ministers of our God true

His Spirit poured e\'en on you