
Brother in the Swimming Pool

Wide-eyed with both fear and excitement,

His tiny legs thrash as he swims toward me,

Water dripping down his hair

And face, and sometimes threatening to penetrate his eyes in which case he squeals and attempts to flee from the sting.

Paddling like a dog in water for the sixth or seventh time

His minuscule, slippery hands clasp around my bare shoulder 

The icy touch sends through a brilliant white through the body; 

I hadn\'t realised my skin had been scorched red in the sun.

A monstrous splash behind him 

And a surge of water, a tsunami is sent

Trembling, shuddering through the pool.

He wraps his tiny hand around my neck

Squeezing his head into my shoulder

Feet clambering up me as though I am a Banyan 

Placing his wet lips, now rounding a halo 

Planting it deep into my cheek before I push him away to learn to swim on his own.