
Our differences make us similar

We are born the same way, we are made of the same biology, but we are brought up differently, and for our different personalities, offer an apology. When I fell in love with you, I didn\'t see what you have down there, I fell in love with how you looked at me, made me gasp for air. When I fell in love with you, I didn\'t care what color you were, I felt your touch on my skin, joining our lips was never a sin. When I fell in love with you, I didn\'t care what you believed in, I believed you loved me, every time, you made my head spin When I fell in love with you, all I saw was you, how you treat me, how you made me feel, I knew your heart was true. So knowing we are brought up differently, why are we expecting everyone to be the same, finding that one perfect person for you is all that matters, you are looking for love, who will light that flame. I will never ask you to change, because we are meant to be different. I didn\'t want to be with you because of your look, no matter the bait, I still jumped on the hook.