WL Schuett

Breaking Free

she pointed to the 

ridge on the outskirts of town 

where a fiery moon was

sinking low without a sound 

bright and burnt was 

its soulful, silent song 

playing a regent of regret 

as it slowly pulled her along 


fractured converstations fire 

through and erode her mind 

he filled her body , heart and soul 

he made her blind 

she thought of all 

those wasted years 

as he filled his glass 

with her tears 


she was suspended by fear 

and in need of some hope 

she couldn\'t say there was 

a moment when it finally broke 

but she broke free became unbound 

to find herself some solid ground 


a new road leads away from 

that waning moon 

silent and fiery serenading her with 

a different kind of tune 

self aware , stronger 

a born again jewel 

knowing it\'s only a blink of an eye 

between the righteous and the fool 


breaking free to follow 

a new moon 

a new path 

a  new start 

to feed 

her hope 

her soul 

her body 

her heart