

A special event not often seen,

You might say rather rare

‘Tis where the moon wanders away

And sets itself right there

In front of that bright, heavenly mass

That represents the sun

And interrupts the blaring blaze

That gives light to everyone


The most impressive darkness comes

When the blackout is total

The light deferred, excluded from

Each critter, plant, and mortal

All of those who observe the affair

Are awed at its uniqueness

But at the same time grateful for

Its shortness and its briefness


A few minutes lost/given to the dark?

A blindness temporary

The blaring light’s back all too soon.

The moon moved, it could not tarry

At the day’s end, before the bed,

We all retrieve our journals

To annotate the amazing act,

Which was, in fact, supernal


Back down to earth, yes that’s the place

Where the exuberance all started

There’s another eclipse that oft takes place

In those soft, and kind-hearted

The darkened sun: Adverse effects

On all plant’s life and human

If allowed to stay, they’d pass away.

Their lives all thrive on lumen.


Our eclipse will come with adverse thoughts,

When we let evil enter

The enemy gets in our way...

He blocks His light top center

Let’s pray the dark is short and brief,

Like the celestial wonder

When we allow its permanence,

The heaven’s roll with thunder


Temptations, lures, most always come

At times when we’re the weakest

When darkness reigns, when doubts arise,

Let’s come to Him in meekness

Our lives’ eclipses may take place

When we’re not really ready

We have to make the barrier move,

Our efforts must be steady


The moon travels all on its own,

It needs no force or shoving

But man’s eclipse is coaxed to leave

Through penitence and loving

The Savior said the very greatest

Thing to own was charity

Our broken hearts and love for all

Will bring Endless prosperity.



 c aaron