You twisted your face into a sickening sweet smile. You assured us it was for us but we should have seen it in your eyes it was for you. You said it was our night, that we deserved this. DESERVED WHAT!! What you had planned once we fell into the trap. You said we needed this, we were stressed. Like you where doing us a favor and you were the best. We slipped on the slippery slope. We took back that liquid like we were fish. And I wish, I wish I would have seen it in your eyes. I wish I would have see the lies. It wasn\'t us that need this. It was you that wanted this. You watched us closely and you pushed. You distracted us. You made it seem this was innocent, but you were just being patient. You waited, and watched, and you pushed that liquid back. You wanted us to not remember this, to not resist. You wanted to us to \"willingly\" submit. You took us by the hands and led us in. This was what you wanted. You let the water run. You got us undressed, and led us deeper in. All the while handed us more of the liquid that helped you win. Win this night you wanted. You washed, and washed us and then the touching began. You took turns on us, and then used both hands. You then guided us on what you wanted. You pushed us together and made us kiss. Then you left, you needed to prepare. We sat waiting there. We sat in the water so warm. She took my hand and whispered \"don\'t resist, because you would get pisssed. You would hit.\" You came back in and dried us off and took our hands again. There was a bed. One last drink just to be safe, just in case. This is what you were waiting for. This is what this night was for. This is so we could be marked the whores. This was what was in those eyes. You laid us down and took your turn. WE CRIED AND YOU DIDN\'T EVEN NOTICE! Maybe you did and didn\'t care. You were floating on air. You took your turns on us. You placed us where you wanted and had it in. This was your night. This is what you wanted. This is what you deserved! Maybe you needed this? Maybe you were just stressed?