


The adrenaline rush

before the big game.


The sound of the ball

beating fast against the court.

The squeaking of the basketball shoes.


The wind passing my face,

when running to defend the basket.

My fingers getting a sturdy grip on the ridges of the ball.


The neck and neck score,

People cheering us on.

Scoring a three-pointer.


Heavy breaths at halftime,

Cold water, running down my throat.

My jersey, sticking to my sweaty back.


Yelling and cheering

from the sidelines.

Your heart beating in your ears

while you wait for a teammate to get back on their feet.


Trying to beat the clock,

to make one last shot.

The cheers and high spirits

after the big win.


The long, tiring, ride back home,

To do homework, eat, and sleep.

\"Congrats\" the next day at school.



An experience,

in and of its self.