WL Schuett

Blind Faith

Even a second can upset 

the delicate balance of life 

everything can change 

in the beat of a heart


I knew going in 

my life would change forever 

that my comfortable existence 

would be torn all apart 


faint fingers of mist 

climbed my mountainside 

I had been soft as a feather 

I had been hard as a rock 

I had probed Mother Nature 

I had listened as she spoke 


nothing had prepared me for 

the earthquake that followed 

my breathing failed

my heartbeat like thunder 

I had just floated along 

till the look in her eyes 

took me under 


there are many things about us 

I don’t understand 

I always thought that blind faith 

would be lacking in me 

I needed to see 

To hear 

to feel 

to hold it in my hand 


I can now acknowledge faith 

I don’t say I believe 

as somethings remain 

a big mystery 


a lonely leaf falls 

a timeless, tireless 

Cicada sings 

fall is moving on to 

my mountainside fast 

I still hear the echoes 

of things to come 

and the murmurs 

of the past 


I throw down my pretensions 

and turn them into art 

as I listen to the balance change 

between the beats of my heart