


(c) 2017 Edward York


I only came for a visit.

The weather was windy and cold.

I had journeyed to witness its beauty,

And was waiting for it to unfold.


So I followed the path of the tourist,

I saw eagles and even a bear.

I rode the tram up the mountain,

Just to see what was there.


I took a small boat to go see the glaciers,

On the way I saw a few icebergs too.

What gave me surprise when in front of my eyes,

Was the most brilliant color of blue.


I tried to eat like the locals,

Blending in for what was the norm.

Beef was as scarce as the sunshine,

But salmon came in most any form.


The environment was raw but inviting,

So much to do that was fun;

But the beauty was what is amazing,

I could say it was second to none.