Joseph M Marion

I wish you could see inside me

My brain tries to write two words that are in my soul and as hard as I try I just can not.
I I wish there was a way I could open myself up to allow you to see what’s inside me.
You\'d be shocked at all the graffiti you would see it would be you your name name not just written on me inside but burned Infuse deep within me.
I wish once you could just see through my eyes and see what I see, just think what I think you\'d be more than just shocked.
You\'d be overwhelmed at the depth and the magnitude you have reached inside me.
Time seems to stand still when I’m with you, I hear nothing, I see nothing, but you, I hear you breathing, I can hear your heartbeat, every Breath You Take.
Even when were miles apart you always carry my heart nothing changes, it all remains the same, serious depth of my soul, serious feelings that I hold.
When bad things I automatically take it upon that it\'s all my fault.
And no matter what anybody says I always feel that it is.
On those days when I find out that I have wronged you or done something wrongs, even a bullet to my heart would feel better right from the start.
All I want to do is solve every problem every equation that seems to harms us or keep us from what is true and that’s me and you to.
There\'s nothing I wouldn\'t do, nothing I wouldn\'t say ,I Die apon this day just to save you to. I dive to the very bottom of the oceans and retrieve whatever it is you asked, I go further than any man in space just to get a grasp of what you would ever ask.
At times I know life doesn’t seem to be fair but you have to understand as long as we have each other will always do more than just care.
True love can always withstand the test of time,
You can’t run and you can\'t hide from the truth that lies inside us both, and I believe in you I believe in our life together without end.
Don\'t ever give up on each other.