dusk arising

The artist

the artist takes up his materials
all he will need for todays picture
gathered before him his tools
upon this canvas he will paint
create for the viewer a picture
a picture magically unique
for each viewer will see it from a different angle
so cleverly his cunning method today
for there will be azure blue skies
above a wooded green land
where as a child he played
and there, a separate picture
of his boyhood friend.
and there, his dog
their favourite games and those bicycles!
but then those skies would cloud over
the darkness above foreboding
a monochrome TV message warns
of war and despair and tortured heroism
refugees trail over his canvas
promising their feeble lives of enslavement
to racketeers promises
of salvation across the ocean
packed into inflateable boats of hope and doom
afloat upon an ocean of despair
as the torment of approaching storm
creates a panic upon the artists canvas
a moment to draw breath and relax
and collect his thoughts
could there be too much in this piicture
would each manifestation portrayed  reach his viewer
smugly the artist is assured - yes
he places his artistic hardware upon the table before him
a hewlett-packard laptop is his easel
and words his palet of choice
this poetic artist knows
each of his viewers will, with their unique palet of life
paint a picture vivid and alive within  their mind
in colours never to be found in the visual artists shop
they say a picture paints a thousand words
but the poets few hundred words
paint a picture which is moving
alive, so alive on the canvas of your mind