
Buy it and Break It

The truth is we are all just


Tired of feeling used or expired

Tired of not feeling good enough

Tired of not being tough

Tired of all the things they say

Tired of their games and we pray

That it will all



So we can feel back on top 

Of the coma we\'ve been in

You see we are sleepwalking

We aren\'t awake

We are just treading lightly
Until we break
Living on an ivy
That is filling us with more emptiness
We are substituting the
happiness we can\'t find with
Material objects.
We tell ourselves that alcohol

and drugs
And partying
And all the dismal mediocrity we think
We deserve
Is gonna make us happy again
But it won\'t
And we try to come back from it
But we don\'t
We tell ourselves that

we will be happy again

But we try and in vain
And there is happiness just

beyond that pain
we just have to see it
We are blind to it
Because we are suffering

in the moment
And that\'s why we can\'t find it

It\'s there, I promise you
I know we can pull through
All it takes is me and you
Being there for eachother
You and me, sisters and brothers
We could each be a rocket
Flying each other

higher and higher
With kind words and happy smiles

and acceptance and humbleness
Then we won\'t have to put

our happiness in our pockets
We can let it shine through
Because then we can say
\"Screw you!\"
To all the things that make us

And insecure and jealous

and anything else but

Because we have what it takes.
See I don\'t know who says

we aren\'t perfect
But I am a firm believer that

there is nothing more perfect than being
Who God made you to be
And if you don\'t believe
Well guess what?
You are still perfect by just being you
And that is what makes us perfect.
And beautiful.
That even through all the

tragedies pandora\'s box released

into the world
We still hold hope in the bottom of it
We just have to dig it out ourselves
And yeah it will be tough
But at some point we have to say
\"Enough is enough\".