
Don\'t worry

I use to believe that our demons only came out at night,
Between the hours we lay awake and those in which we stay asleep,
Being interrupted by the sun\'s blooming light,
Those Ray\'s giving hope,
The power they hold,
To keep me from myself,
As I open the blinds that light seeps in,
And I feel re-inspired,
As if for those brief moments the world is entirely mine,
I can do anything,
But today I learned differently,
I learned that those demons are my sanity,
The sleepless nights are comfort,
They are return,
Return to the normal,
The real pain comes from our days,
The demons haunting as we walk,
Jiving as we talk,
They\'re there to set us into just the wrong path,
They take your state of okay and turn it to hell,
They break your reality with stunning swiftness,
With the speed of a speeding bullet,
Here to shatter your glass house,
And reveal our hidden terrors,
The ones from which should be ran,
During the day is when we\'re venerable,
When we drop our guard to some false sense of security,
Given only by something we\'ve put our own faith in,
But what even is faith,
Can faith bring you back,
Can it supple stimulus,
Can it keep the pain away,
No it can\'t,
Its only a pretense,
A reason,
As to why I grab the bottle,
Why I light up,
Why I take the same blade to my own skin,
Why I choke on my own cries of pain,
And wipe my own tears before you can see,
Leaving so much pain in its path,
That I question how many pills could numb my night,
How many shots can let it out,
How much weed can it possibly take to get rid that feeling,
How many cuts can make me whole,
1 cut,
2 cut,
3 cut,
The thoughts fade away for now,
Though why stop there,
Shot after shot till my mind goes fuzzy,
But this is what you fear,
Isnt it,
But why,
I\'m okay I promise,
I\'m fine don\'t worry,
It\'s all okay,
I\'ll be fine,
Just promise,
Promise me one last time,
Promise you won\'t take after me,
I couldn\'t wish this on anyone,
Especially you,
So please,
Oh please,
Promise me this.

Fading away,
Yours truly,