WL Schuett

Memory of love

sometimes it’s sad 

what passes for love 

a flower pressed in a book 

a letter locked in a drawer 

a memory faded , no chances took 


she stands in her garden 

five purple pansies at her feet 

her dark curls frame her face 

as five hummingbirds wings beat 


she is right out in the garden 

yet you’ve loved her from afar 

so afraid to step forward 

to be the moon to her star 


life is about choices 

don’t lock the ones 

you’ve made in a drawer 

there is someone in the choir 

she is looking at you .

afraid to step forward 

you feel awkward and cower 


am I judging ? Maybe 

sometimes it’s just sad 

what passes for love 

when there is love all around 

and you love a memory