
secured insecurities

                                          you\'re my smile, my laughter

                                          my safe haven

                                          that one place where theres always solace

                                         where i have a voice

                                         my feelings are priority

                                        theres always the roller coaster moments

                                        but you make them insignificant

                                       it all feels so surreal

                                     i keep wondering whether it\'ll just fade out someday

                                     would the huddles ever come?

                                     but TODAYS changed

                                     TODAYS taught me that its whats us thats keeping this

                                     its the comfort, that friend, that partner, that pillar thats built our today

                                      and i\'m anxious as ever for the tomorrow

                                     songs just cant express it all

                                     you\'re my secure insecurities, my fairytale BUTTERFLY with you even the wildest bushes will feel just RIGHT....