lucifer very very very 1st

the rust of love

the rust is the weigh of love

the rust is the pound of love

a rust is a pound of rust

a rust is a pound of weigh

a pound of love is a pound of weigh

love is love\'s pound of love

love is love\'s pound of weigh


to scale love is to scale the rust of love 

love is a scale of love

love is a scale of rust

to carry the weigh is to carry the scale of the weigh

love is to carry the weigh of the scale

love is to carry the rust of the scale

a weigh of a scale is a weigh of love


carrying a weigh is carrying a scale

carrying a weigh is carrying a pound of scale

carrying a weigh is carrying a rust of a scale

a pound of weigh is a pound of rust

a pound of weigh is a pound of love

a pound of weigh is a pound of a scale

love\'s rust is love\'s pound of rust