
#1 Man

Whoa oh baby ain\'t I still your #1 Man
do I still make you feel safe and warm
when you are in my arms, do I still turn 
you on every time we touch, ain’t I still
the one and only one you will ever love
well baby, oh baby, baby please tell me
I am still your one and only man, your
#1 MAN, your #1 man...
\'cuz if you asked me to I\'d give you
the moon just because I can, I will 
protect you, I will defend you like no
man can and when you are scared
of the unknown I will hold your hand
I will be your peace of mind when
confusion clouds your mind and
when you\'ve taken about all you can
stand I will wipe away your tears
because don\'t you understand just
how special you are to me well
you are so very special to me you
understand, I will give you the moon
and stars just because you deserve
it and because I am the man, I am
the man, your #1 MAN, your #1 MAN.