

In the seventh decade of my life

I am beginning to understand that

life\'s richness or poverty is determined

by the size of one\'s soul,


That narrow, constricted souls

allow so little light, tolerate so few mysteries

and moments of wonder, provide such 

limited space for sacred imagination,


That the revealing of life\'s fullness

is somehow connected to

the soul\'s spaciousness, 

an expansiveness that is not

afraid to make room for all

that is breathtakingly beautiful

and all that is brittle and broken.


I no longer seek to understand

or even to experience, only to

be daily aware that the

size of my soul is sufficient to

contain more than my mind can

grasp, that in the limitless soul space

I am able to hear a gentle voice inviting

me to sit down in awe among the

yellow flowers on the mountain.