Frank Prem

axeman: await winter

I am the wood
and I am
the axe


I am the man
with cutting through
a mountain


and I hew


and I chop


I reduce the round
by slice and by chip
and by break
through the rough opened up
in the grain


I touch the bark
run my hand over splinters
that I have raised
through the rain down
of my blows


and I find I am moved
by the feel
of rough


by the colours
that I exposed


almost sorrow


I sorrow


another round goes up
on the splitting block
and I swing
in the act of striking new blows
to reduce the thing
to a smaller thing


to make me warm
before burning


then I lay them down
in a last act
sedate in rows
that wait on the winter


as I
sedate now
await winter

