
Shield Safety

Tune: Stuttgart

(\'Earth has many a noble city\')

Psalm 3


Lord, they are increased that trouble

Me, unto you I do call

Many that do rise against me

Look on me, my state now see


Many say no help for my soul

For me in God is there, null

But you, LORD, as shield to me are

My glory, my morning star


You too the lifter of my head

I stay not downcast nor dread

I cried to the LORD with my voice

He did hear me, I rejoice


From His holy hill He heard me

So I laid down, my sleep be

Pleasant, free of troubles, torments

Through nights I His presence sense


And too when I new awaken

The LORD still sustains me then

I will not fear e\'en ten thousands

Nor if enemy abounds


Arise, O LORD, save me, you be

One who saves from enemy

Salvation does belong to you

Blessings on us you renew