
what is a person with a/no heart

Your heart makes you human
Your heart desires more than you can hold
Your heart holds family together as a beat does to a heart
Your heart shines brighter than the sun
But when night comes your heart darkens under the sky
Your heart can’t hold your family together anylonger
When this occurs
Your family is torn or you are torn from them
The darkness you go
Your heart discovers that it can’t have what it desires
When you realize all this your heart is too far to grasp
You are human so you should give anything to get your heart back
But the choice you make is not to go after it
You watch your heart vanish into darkness
Your heart is what makes you human
Without a heart what are you?
You are not a human nor a monster but rather you are unique
Unique because your heart is a hologram of what you desire and you weren’t fooled by temptation