Frank Prem

holding close to beauty

if I dream you
just right
you will have magnificent wings
with which to fly


but how
can I let myself
release you


or shears


I must stretch
your so-beautiful
white wings


it is your remiges
I must cut
those snow feathers
that I dreamed


to keep you close
my darling one









you are not
in any way


you are not
any more


poor crippled thing
there is no place now
for you
in my imaginings


I thought you
the height
of all my grace


elegance and poise


I said you
I spoke your name
in my mind
underneath my breath


you fired my soul
you were my light


but now you are


you do not soar
you do not fly


I look
but cannot see you
as once you were


I know I know
I know
it was me
who cut your wings


I know
that it was me
who tied you to the ground


what of that


I did what I must do
and now
I will


what choice
have I


it is my nature

