Abu Aeesh

Come Peer



Come peer through the windowpane with me.. Look at them people. Each person is like a thread inducing an action or reaction to the underlying and overlying thread that sandwiches it and so it goes. The magnitude depends on the force induced. That\'s how change happens. You sigh and the windowpane fogs. Now you must look at it and see nothing but the fog and a blur reflection of you, the glass and people on the other side of this glass. Fogs are thick cloud that envelopes, distorting the data that your eyes perceive. 

That means you can see nothing -  you have become proverbially blind. What do you do? Do you focus on your reflection? Or the windowpane? Or people on the other side?

The windowpane is made from burnt sand so that it becomes a barrier between two worlds housing a perceived reflection on its surface. And perhaps there are no strangers on the other side, just friends you have never met yet.

Who or what do you focus on? choose you mus