
What now?

Where do I go from here?

What\'s the next step? Why is it not clear?

I know I want my words to be heard,

I want people to relate and not hesitate instead of going

Straight they follow the curve and not fall off the curb.

I want people to know I got something to say and a story to show.

But how do I do it ..where do I go?

What do I work on ? so I can get there.

I\'ll leave bodies and minds fried like the death penalty from the electric chair. 

When I write I like it to mean something to me, and that means everything because I come from nothing.

Where do I go from here?  

Whatever I gotta do I\'ll do it i won\'t live in fear.

One day I\'ll introduce myself to the world, to start.

You\'ll see it one day cause I speak from the heart.