


He cant talk
But he can walk
He cant speak
But his life isn’t bleak

He goes on a bus to school
But he’s no fool
He’s so normal
And not abnormal

An iPad is what he likes
And not riding bikes
His pleasure is mechanical
Hotpoint or Dyson

But what ever his pleasure
My grandsons a treasure
He will go to the park
And play on the swings
Play with his dog
and do daft things

His mam is so protective
She has one directive
Thats to show autism
Is not s schism
Its not a problem
Or a fault
Its not an
oh my god whats that about

Autism is a thing that happens
To anyone at birth
To anyone around our earth
So if your child turns out that way
So what
Your child is your child
So happy
So mild
I love my grandson for what he is
Yes his life’s in a tizz
But thats how he is