
You are What is so Wonderful About this World

You are what is so wonderful about this world,
Don\'t hurt me,
You are why I feel this bone-scratching discomfort,
and this infinite joy

You are glassy water rippling over warm skin

Please heal me

Evening after evening I think only of you
Why does the universe do as it does?
My door always open,
Just like yours is to me
The roads were long, long, and scary,
Your being kept me feeling okay

I\'m hooked to your presence
I want to talk all day, night until the next
You are everything they weren\'t

Down I\'ve fallen and fallen and my body aches
Your games are the only I\'m playing
This tournament I need to win now

I see the real me and know he\'s not there
The bar never ends until there\'s nothing at all
Brown is the only true color
To be with you I\'d walk the earth only to find that whatever shall be shall be

You walked near my soul and rip a piece everyday I see you
Let it be shredded